“My parents say I was baptized in the Ugashik river, and though I often doubt they dipped my bald head in the cold muddy currents, I know I have spent every summer there since I was born. I was raised in a small set net cabin between the mud flats and the tundra on a quickly eroding patch of grass. As soon as my sister and I could fit into extra small waders we were out in the skiffs helping. The abundant salmon runs employed both my parents and put salmon with all the fixings on the table well into the winter.
I was drawn to the work and started saving in my early years of high school to one day own my own skiff and permit. Five years ago I bought the fishing vessel Georgette Rose and have run the boat and crew each season since. Bristol Bay has given me the unique and precious opportunity to start and run my own business as a young woman. Every day I learn something new from the tireless tides, endless rivers, and crazy salmon that make up Bristol Bay.”